Saturday, 30 March 2013


1.      ________________  occurs when consumers are highly involved with an expensive, in frequent, or risky purchase but few perceived differences among brands
a)      Buyer behavior                                               c) consumer behavior
b)      Dissonance-reducing  buying behavior                   d) none
2.      ________________  occurs when consumers are low involved with an expensive, little significant  differences among brands
a)      Dissonance- reducing buying behavior          c) Supply chain
b)      Habitual buying behavior                               d) none
3.      _______________ consumer buying behavior in situation characterized by low consumer involvement but  significant perceived brand difference
a)      Habitual buying behavior                               c) Dissonance- reducing buying behavior
b)      Variety-seeking buying behavior                    d) none
4.      The buying process starts with _______________ in which the consumer recognizes a problem or need
a)      Need                                                                c) need recognition
b)      Need & wants                                                 d) all the above
5.      ________________ is the stage of the buyer decision process in which the consumer aroused to search for more information, the consumer may simply have heightened attention
a)      Information                                                     c) information collection
b)      Information search                                         d) none
6.      ________________ is the stage of the buyer decision process in which the consumer aroused to search for more information to evaluate alternative brands in choice set
a)      Alternative evaluation                                    c) subculture
b)      Information search                                         d) a & c
7.      ______________ is refers to the buyer’s decision about which brand to purchase
a)      Buyer decision                                                            c) b & c
b)      Consumer decision                                         d) purchase decision
8.      ________________ is the stage of the buyer decision process in which the consumer takes further action after purchase, based on their satisfied or dissatisfaction
a)      Pre purchase behavior                                    c) marketing behavior
b)      Post purchase behavior                                  d) none
9.      ______________ is the buyer discomfort caused by post purchase conflict
a)      Opinion leaders                                              c) global recognition
b)      Cognitive dissonance                                      d) none
10.  _______________ is refers to a good, service or idea that is perceived by some potential consumer as new
a)      Existing product                                              c) new product
b)      Actual product                                                d) none
11.  We define the ___________ as the “ mental process through with an individual process from first hearing about an innovative to final adoption
a)      Adoption process                                            c) a & b
b)      Actual process                                                 d) none
12.  The consumer becomes aware of the new product but lacks information about it are called______________
a)      Data                                                                c) information
b)      Awareness                                                       d) none
13.  The consumer seeks information about the new product are known as_______________
a)      awareness                                                       c) indicators
b)      interest                                                            d) none
14.  _______________ is refers to the consumer considers whether trying the new product makes sense
a)      awareness                                                       c) indication
b)      evaluation                                                       d) none
15.  The consumer tries the new product on a small scale to improved his or her estimate of its value refers to ____________
a) trail                                                                   c) stimuli
b) Trait                                                                  d) none
16.  In ______________ the consumer decides to make full and regular use of the new product
 a) adoption                                                           c) stimuli
b) Strategy                                                                        d) none
17.  ________________ are venturesome-they try new ideas at some tricks
a)      innovators                                                       c) creators
b)      producer                                                        d)  none
18.  ________________ are guided by respect- they are opening leaders in the communities & adopt new ideas early but carefully
a) Early adopters                                      c) physical factors
b) Early factors                                         d) none
19.  The __________________ are deliberate although they rarely leaders they adopt new ideas before the average person
a)      Early adopters                                                 c) b & c
b)      Early majority                                                 d) none
20.  The ___________________ are skeptical they adopt an innovation only after a majority of people have tried it
a)      Late majority                                                  c) high majority
b)      Early majority                                                 d) all the above
21.  _____________ are decision bound- they are suspicious of changes & adopt the innovation only when it has become something of a tried itself
a)      Laggard                                                           c) motivating
b)      Teaching                                                         d) none
22.  ________________ is the degree to which the innovation appears superior to existing products
a) Consumption advantage                                   c) relative advantage
b) Human advantage                                            d) none
23.  ______________ is the degree to which the innovation fit the values & experience of potential consumer
a) Comparability                                                   c) compatibility
c)      Competitive advantage                                  d) none
24.  ________________ is the degree to which the innovation is difficult to understanding or use
 a) comparability                                                  b) compatibility
c)      Complexity                                                      d) none
25.  ________________ is the degree to which the result of using the innovation can be observed or described to others
a) Comparability                                                   b) compatibility
c)      communicability                                             d) none

1)      Dissonance- reduced buying behavior
2)      Habitual behavior
3)      Variety-seeking buying behavior
4)      Need recognition
5)      Information search
6)      Alternative evaluation
7)      Purchase decision
8)      Post-purchase behavior
9)      Cognitive dissonance
10)  New product
11)  Adoption process
12)  Awareness
13)  Interest
14)  Evaluation
15)  Trial
16)  Adoption
17)  Innovators
18)  Early-adopters
19)  Early-majority
20)  Late-majority
21)  Laggards
22)  Relative advantage
23)  Compatibility
24)  Complexity
25)  communicability

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